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The /mu/ Wiki:

Discover music:

Check the catalog before making a new thread >>>/mu/catalog

Personal music/band projects should go in Bandcamp/Soundcloud general threads.

>If the Feels brought you here, search in the catalog before starting a new thread. If they aren't vaguely music related, go to >>>/r9k/

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newjeans can't wait
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>Jeongus Biggus can dance for hours in a professional manner unlike fat American women.
I remember when nayeon used to be her bestie but jeongyeon dropped her like a bag full of steaming shit because nayeon is a massive bitch
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OLD: >>121674466
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>wanting life to be on easy mode
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>Play a strawberry.
How do you respond?
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Retard it was a genuine question.
Did Beefheart grow up in a wealthy family? He did go to the same high school as Zappa whose parents were actual glowies.
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Vliet was from a middle class family. It was 50s America. His dad was literally selling buns and donuts in these old Helms Bakery trucks, allegedly. He went to the same school as Zappa, but had to drop out after his dad died to go to work.
Gotcha, thanks for the info.
By the way, the whole music making thing wasn't raking in too much money, so Beefheart would have to legit ask his mother(while well into his twenties or thirties) for money, and even make the rest of the band do the same. Zoot Horn Rollo's college fund went into TMR.
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>mfw selling baked goods in a truck in 50s america was enough to afford a house and a stable life

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There's no escape
my goat is getting cooked

He really spun the block again. Get in here boys!
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>who tf posts pictures of a biracial dude's dick and uses that as reasoning on why he is the greatest rapper alive?
fucking kek
Kendrick never gonna leak his shit because he's smaller. Cope for the rest of your life about it. You can easily tell by the sound of his voice that his shit is shrimpy 5 incher

Ya'll just hate Drake because he's jewish, black, and fucked more bitches than your entire genetic lineage. AND he is going to win this beef in the end too.
>No faces
Nice "proof" schizo
That's won't work no more. The narrative is shifted.
People think drake is obsessed and doing anything to win this.
Bro is sending out checks to people to dig dirt on kendrick
And he's got OVOdickriders trying to portray Kendrick as a Palestine hater.
No one gives AF about that Palestine conflict that much.
What have they done for the culture?
Those countries have been fighting since forever, they just like killing and destruction. All sides do.
DJ Khalad doesn't count for Palestine btw, he's doodoo.

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R.I.P. Kendrick
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drake sending assassins after Kendrick like he diid to xxxtentacion
Based lmao
Beat was cool but it feels half baked, again. People been saying Euphoria was a warning shot and his next one was going to go for the throat but he’s literally just saying again ‘Yo drake you’re a bad person and uh… I am a moral man and love muh kids’. The line about OVO staff working for him and hating Drake was probably the best part plus the Toosie Slide flip but if this is the best he can muster outside of his usual SUPER POOPER SCOOPER ON JUPITER AND JUNIOR shit then he needs to seriously pick up the slack
You didn't get the whole song yet, or Euphoria. Kendrick has evidence of Drake's murder(s), and the new song is a small, compact murder mystery.
What if the photo of the glove was taken by someone close to Drake, that would be scary isn't it

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Is it faggy to enjoy Lorde?
Probably, but I still like Pure Heroine and Melodrama
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flop edition >>121639037
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Anything for Love is TOO SHORT!
>pop artist does something similar to previous work
>pop artist does something with new/different sounds than their previous work

Bruh, you can't fucking win with these retards.
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>>pop artist does something similar to previous work
>>pop artist does something with new/different sounds than their previous work

>Bruh, you can't fucking win with these retards.
but tortured poets and radical optimism sound very similar to past work.
also writing about relationship troubles starts to get old when it's 90% of every single album
>writing about relationship troubles starts to get old

You realize this is fucking *pop* music right?

Listening to Christian radio and it sounds like a bunch of gay dudes singing about men they've "praised". Is this what happens when society gets rid of monarchy? Normies have to channel all their repressed gay urges into some dead Jewish hippie? Not to mention the cross looks like a flaccid dick pointed downward.

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Hey everyone!
Anthony Fantano here, the internets busiest music nerd!
4chan /mu/, forever!
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He was just trying to fuck her bro
she's gone now
It's from the porno
can somebody make this meme:
panel 1: it's just normal Fantano saying "TRAN-"
panel 2: now it's a female Fantano "-SITION!"
chadthony goattano never misses
oh look, another FDS thread

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don't forget to GO OUT and SUPPORT your local scene
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>supporting and being a part of your local community
Things 4chan users don't ever do for 500 Alex
Who's 500 Alex
>he posted on 4chan
Were you born yesterday, Zoom Zoom?
no dude it's actually cool to be an edgy jaded faggot that hates everything

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5'11 vs 6'0 edition

What is Progressive Rock?

Good albums to start with?

Obscure prog gems

Previous: >>121564659
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damn he sings terribly on this song
That just made me appreciate them more

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Imma be honest, I loved this as a kid but now I just can't listen to them
It sounds dated, lyrics are problematic and both singers are just not very good
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Total bullshit. I love George but they're both pretty different players overall and very easy to distinguish from each other. Eddie was never the over the top technical guy. It was always about his feel and his sound and how good the songs were. For George it was more about speed and he added a lot more feel to his playing later in in his career.
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>lyrics are problematic
>I dont like women
you are a fucking retard. How can you not like this?
Lynch never had the rythym, the swing, the groove, the ability to craft a solo for a song or the tone EVH had. There is no comparison. There is a reason one was a transformative guitarist selling 5x as many albums as the other.

>lyrics are problematic
like what? Are you dead inside? if you are really that much of a sissy then just listen to the instramentals
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>Imma be honest

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Ian Mackaye of Minor Threat wrote a song about white guilt. It's clear what it means. Years later, after the Jews of punk rock grabbed control of key bands, and defined punk rock into a product, complete with clothing styles, shitty ethos, to attract wayward teenagers and subvert them into the shittiest of ideologies, Ian Mackaye decided to recant the song.

"oh it wasn't about what it says it's about, I didn't mean that' and retards actually believe it

This is literally what it means to sell out.
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>perfectly capable of saying 'oh that shit i thought whn i was 19 well lol i was 19"
That's not what he did though. He came out and tried retcon the song to prevent backlash from modern audiences. If he said "oh well I was 19 when I wrote it" there would have been a backlash.

You are navie.
Bruh, It's 2024. I'm not saying that there's some secret cabal of jews planning shit. They just placed them self in positions that give them the power to act in their own self interests, which are often against my self interests.

The fact that they are passing bills in congress write now tells you two things:
1. They have the power people claim they do and are exercising it.
2. They have to literally pass laws against speech to prevent people talking about it.
do you have a source for that claim?
op is right. ian copped out because he knew you can get cancelled if you're in the alternative music market and you don't pledge complete loyalty on every issue to doctrinaire leftism.

it's probably worse than country music and right-wing politics.
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